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  /  Dimitris Stamatis

Dimitris Stamatis

Dimitris Stamatis  holds a degree in Business Administration from the University of Piraeus, Greece. His professional experience focuses on business and financial consultation and management including many collaborations in the private sector both in Greece and abroad. In parallel, he maintains strong experience in public administration and served in important positions in local authorities. Namely, he was Deputy Mayor on Financial Affairs for the Municipality of Karpenisi for 3,5 years (2011-2014) as well as Advisor for eGovernance, Digital Transformation and ICT issues. He was appointed as a Special Advisor for the Region of Central Greece (2014 – 2019) and his fields of responsibility included: Financial Management and Planning, eGovernment – Smart Region project management and management of the Regional Development Fund. Since October 2019 he is the Chief Executive Officer of DAEM S.A..
