George Karathanasis
George Karathanasis is Co-founder and Sales Director of Hotellisense. He has a degree in Business Administration and actively participates in conferences and sales and communication workshops.
Has 20 years of professional experience in sales having been gradually employed at all levels, mainly in Greek companies. The flexibility in the sales of different products and commercial sectors placed him in the management of significant accounts of tens of millions of €.
At HotelliSense, his goal is to develop sales, create new partnerships with companies in the tourism industry and open new markets in Greece and abroad.
The Hotellisense cloud platform enhances the ability of hotels to make the most of their data in order to reduce decision-making time and increase revenue.
HotelliSense won the 1st prize of the 2nd cycle of CapsuleT Accelerator, and is one of the 10 finalist of 8th Envolve award Greece 2021.