Maria Samolada
Maria Samolada is journalist and the general manager of the economic and political online newspaper Grtimes.gr, conducting personality interviews on WebTV and writing articles, has a daily newscast on Real Fm 107.1 and is the responsible editor of the revision of the journal of Police alliance of Thessaloniki.
She started her career in 2000 and has worked in all types of journalism and media, including Alter Channel, Radio Thessaloniki 94.5, reporting, broadcasting and news releases.
Since 2015, Maria Samolada, as a journalist, has been recognising the crucial role that it is necessary to hold anyone who serves journalism, devoting much time and having her experience at the disposal of spreading the innovative programme against bullying, www.LiveWithoutBullying.com, an action that has recently lead her to be honoured with the journalist award of the Botsi Foundation
She has been born, lived and worked in Thessaloniki by choice. She is mother of a son and a member of the Union of Daily Newspaper Journalists of Macedonia – Thrace.